Vitsun Weiss (2)Full unit name: Weiss, Vitsun
Last updated: 29.07.2023 16:44:53
Basic info
First appearance: Fantasy Flight Games Imperial Assault Miniatures Game
Fantasy Flight Games Imperial Assault Miniatures Game
Species: Human
Relations: AT-ST Driver
AT-ST Driver
(Imperial Combat Driver)
Galactic Empire Military
Events: IA - The Campaign
IA - The Campaign
Galactic Civil War
, A New Threat
A New Threat
(IA - The Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
, Chain of Command
Chain of Command
(IA - The Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
, Finale
(IA - The Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
"The slightest wisper of new weapons, new threats, and you risk so much on nothing but a rumor. How can your kind possibly govern a galaxy?" - General Weiss to the squad of elite Rebel operatives from his modified AT-ST.

Weiss was an Imperial general active during the height of the Galactic Civil War. At some point during the Galactic Civil War, Weiss and his forces proceeded to raid a Rebel-owned encampment on Dantooine. His forces successfully managed to capture several Rebel soldiers, although not before the Rebels hid key supplies within the camp. Being an Imperial general and field commander, Weiss was dedicated to upholding order within the Galactic Empire, and frequently operated a heavily customized AT-ST walker
Ground Vehicle
. He also possessed a keen military mind, and was capable of deploying his forces to either charge the enemy or otherwise complete certain objectives while he himself focuses his firepower on any Rebel soldiers.
Final encounter
Shortly after the battle of Yavin
Battle of Yavin
Galactic Civil War
Weiss was tasked to lead the campaign
IA - The Campaign
Galactic Civil War
aimed to delude Rebel command and through several carefully planted false leads lure their fleet into the trap and ensure its complete annihilation. The bait which was devised by Weiss was quite simple - to ensure that the Rebels uncovered Weiss has being in charge of super secret weapon project - to produce the miniaturized version of the Death Star
Death Star
Space Stations
laser. Through carefully planted leads and scraps of the information, Weiss was able to made Rebel High Command to believe that the threat is real and needs to eliminated at any cost, despite the risk the Rebel fleet will be exposed and destroyed. Unfortunately for Weiss the Rebels were able to see through the deception. And the trap over Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell
which Weiss was so carefully planning turned out to be the trap for Imperial fleet. The fiasco led to Vader
Darth Vader
Major Characters
's severe displeasure and Dark Lord of the Sith went to Ord Mantell personally to deal with Weiss's failure. So far it is unknown if Weiss outlived the encounter
(IA - The Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
with the Dark Lord.


See also
Complete list

Full unit name: Weiss, Vitsun Last updated: 29.07.2023 16:44:53